Virtuous Sodomy: The Fight To Distigmatize Homosexuality

Fri Aug 19, 2011 3:35:00 AM

Report: APA Wants To Destigmatize Pedophilia

Charlie Butts – OneNewsNow

American Psychiatric Association (APA)Several well-known researchers recently made unexpected arguments on pedophilia at an academic conference in Baltimore.

Liberty Counsel Action’s Matt Barber attended the conference and says he felt he was on a different planet, as the presenting professionals aimed to remove pedophilia from the American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). That would mean that pedophilia would no longer be considered a mental disorder.

“The entire focus of the event was on the victimhood of the pedophile,” Barber accounts. There was “very little concern for the children who are the victims of these individuals when they are raped, who these individuals lust after,” he adds.

And he says the experts’ discussions were focused on “destigmatizing pedophilia … removing the stigma, and [getting] the public to stop demonizing pedophiles.”

But the attorney reports that the APA is already moving toward declassifying pedophilia as a mental disorder “by saying that a pedophile is only a pedophile in their latest DSM … if they are distressed by their attractions or behaviors.”

So Barber decides that would bring the APA one step closer to de-classifying pedophilia as a mental disorder, as they did homosexuality in the 1970s.

Concerning that issue, the APA board has also voted unanimously to endorse homosexual “marriage,” which comes as no surprise to one traditional marriage activist, since the organization has contributed to 11 amicus briefs since 2004 in court cases that favor same-sex marriage. (Listen to audio report)

“The fact that the vote was 157 to nothing shows the liberal groups think that’s at work in the APA,” suggests Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH). “I mean, these guys are like on another planet. In the real world, same-sex so-called ‘marriage’ is very controversial, and society is divided over it. But in the APA, at least in this vote — 157 to nothing — everybody’s for it.”

But he is not convinced that all members would agree with the vote, so he is certain politics is at work within the organization.

“For them to say that opposition to same-sex marriage is causing psychological distress among lesbians and gays, I mean these guys have it completely backward,” LaBarbera contends. “The reality is that self-described homosexuals and lesbians, they do have psychological problems because homosexuality is a perversion.”
The AFTAH president adds that organizations like the APA “are ideologically and liberal left, and they’re now at war with traditional and conservative America.”

Perversion Breeds More Perversion


Green Party Introduces Law To Repeal Law(s) Against Incest
stop perverts teacher
Making Incest Legal By No Longer Making It Illegal…Just As It Was Done With Sodomy

While the Homosexual/Sodomy Movement is not yet strong enough to attempt the legalization of incest in the United States, this objective is here demonstrated as part of their political “to-do” list when they no longer have to worry about the public relations and marketing damages that it would do to their campaign for perversion, sodomy, and homosexual/pervert marriage legalization.

Incest laws; as with all laws against pedophilia, child molestation, and child sex of any kind; are just one example of “external constraints” which the Homosexual/Sodomy Movement must eliminate to achieve “liberation” as described in here.

The Homosexual/Sodomy Movement can only obtain “liberation” by killing the Inner Light of its child targets.

I’ve personally heard a Homosexual/Sodomy Movement promoting psychologist declare that her patients included kindergarten and first grade TRANSGENDER students, i.e. children for whom the perversion of their process of physical mutilation was already being initiated.

For the Homosexual/Sodomy Movement to achieve the “liberation of children” their child targets must be introduced to all possible perversion and homosexual practices; i.e.; fisting, “Golden Showers,” self-mutilation (transgender), ” glory holes,” sodomy, “rimming”, molestation, etc., and trained/indoctrinated/recruited/taught that all of them are normal and natural.

The afflicted, warped, and perverted students will then be sent/dispatched as “allies” who will teach/warp all other students, via peer pressure and other Social Engineering techniques, to accept, endorse, and promote the Homosexuality/Sodomy Movement and all of its perverted objectives. This automatically includes killing the morality and identity (Inner Light) of their child targets just as their own has been killed.

Changing A Child’s Sex Surgically And In A Hurry


“The rapid onset of her male puberty has demanded some urgent decisions,” the judge said in her decision published April 15.

The mutilation of children into a so-called “transgender” is being promoted by the Homosexual/Sodomy Movement throughout the world. As noted in here and here above, elementary school children are already being indoctrinated that the perverted idea of “transgender” a) actually exists, and b) is normal, i.e. not pathological/sick.
Those who have already mutilated themselves, i.e. “transgenders”, have had their Inner Light killed. The Homosexual/Sodomy Movement now seeks to reproduce that same death in all of their child targets.

Another example of this tragedy are those seeking to recover from their mistake.

Walt Heyer, a man whose surgery to “change” him into a female has had horrific long-term effects for him.

Another result of the advance of the Homosexual/Sodomy Movement in this same attack front involves eliminating sexual differences entirely.

“Transsexual kids” Have A Legal Right To Use Both Boy Or Girl Bathrooms At School Without Discrimination. Is This Equality Or Absurdity?

If “transsexual kids” have legal right to use boys or girls bathrooms at school without discrimination, why not anyone else merely claiming to be transsexual for a moment, such as peeping toms or pedophiles?

A state agency in Maine claims that it is discriminatory and hateful for public schools to not allow little boys into the little girls’ bathrooms if the little boys identify themselves as “transgendered.”

In fact, the Maine Human Rights Commission is setting new guidelines that would end the “discrimination” of keeping boys and girls bathrooms and locker-rooms separated from those who claim to be transsexual. The kids will now be allowed to decide for themselves which bathroom is best for them.

The Homosexual/Sodomy Movement will dismiss, downplay, ridicule, defame, slander, and attack any opposition to the events noted here when in fact they collectively represent only a fraction of their national attempts to indoctrinate children into perversion, degeneracy, and sodomy (to kill their Inner Light) via the public school system.

Legalization of homosexual/pervert marriage will effectively permanently eliminate any future need for the Homosexual/Sodomy Movement to attempt to openly deceive parents of their true intention to “indoctrinate, recruit, teach, and expose” children to perversion and sodomy in order to shatter their morality and identity by hiding behind “anti-bullying” or other disquised campaigns.

The true purpose of their intentions is revealed here. Judicial mandates will be used to force ALL students to accept the perversion of homosexual/sodomy indoctrination throughout ALL school classes and activities. Parents will NOT be allowed to “opt-out” their children from these attacks. They will not be allowed to stop the murder of the Inner Light of their children.

Go to ‘Criminalizing Opposition To Sodomy’ from ‘Virtuous Sodomy: The Fight To Distigmatize Homosexuality’