Sodomites In Public School Have the Governor’s Ear.
Who Listens To The Parents?


It’s July 14, 2011 and Governor Jerry Brown of California signs Senate Bill 48 into law. SB 48 mandates that:

  1. Textbooks and instructional materials must promote “lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans” as positive “role” models.
  2. Children as young as 6 years old will be taught to admire homosexuality, same-sex “marriages,” bisexuality, and transsexuality (cross-dressing and “sex change” operations).
  3. Children will be taught to support the political activism of “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Questioning” (LGBTIQ) political groups, as the bill requires “particular emphasis on portraying the role of these groups in contemporary society.”
  4. Teachers will be made to portray homosexuality, same-sex “marriages,” bisexuality, and transsexuality positively, because to be silent can bring the charge of “reflecting adversely” or “promoting a discriminatory bias.”
  5. School boards will be required to select textbooks and other instructional materials that portray “LGBT” lifestyles positively, because to be silent on these subjects opens them up to charges of “reflecting adversely” or “promoting a discriminatory bias.”
  6. Parents will not be notified, nor will they be able to exempt their children, from this new core curriculum.

stop perverts teacher
SB 48 is a “back door” introduction of degeneracy, perversion, and pathology by the Homosexual / Sodomy Movement into the public school system, so that the morality and identity of children – their Inner Light – may be attacked and destroyed.

Examples of homosexual / sodomite “role models” for children will include Harvey Milk, a sodomizer of young boys (pederast), whom students/targets will be taught to “admire.” No negative comments against the Homosexual/Sodomy Movement, its pathology, sickness, corruption, or perversion will be allowed.

No neutral comments against the Homosexual/Sodomy Movement or sodomites will be allowed. ONLY positive comments will be allowed. Hence facts such as the Homosexual/Sodomy community being, irrespective of AIDS, the most diseased sub-section of the populace due to their perversion, including the regular ingestion of feces, will never be allowed to be discussed.

Legalization of homosexual/pervert marriage will allow the “front door” of the public school system to be completely broken down by the sodomites so that the Social Engineering of the children of the nation to accept, endorse, and promote the perversion of homosexuality/sodomy will be completely unopposed. A legalization tailored/designed to kill the Inner Light of its child targets.

Corrupting The School Curriculum To Corrupt Youth

Even during the California campaign to protect traditional marriage known as Proposition 8 the Homosexual/Sodomy Movement, after continuously lying about and denying any intention to recruit children into acceptance of homosexuality/sodomy and perversion, showed their true intentions, as described here, by transporting an entire elementary school class to a homosexual “wedding” during school hours.

SAN FRANCISCO, October 11 – In the same week that the No on 8 campaign launched an ad that labeled as “lies” claims that same-sex marriage would be taught in schools to young children, a first grade class took a school-sponsored trip to a gay wedding. Eighteen first graders traveled to San Francisco City Hall Friday for the wedding of their teacher and her lesbian partner, The San Francisco Chronicle reported. The school sponsored the trip for the students, ages 5 and 6, taking them away from their studies for the same-sex wedding. According to the Yes on 8 campaign, the public school field trip demonstrates that the California Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriage has real consequences.

The Educational Establishment and the Homosexual/Sodomy Movement working together, designed this “field trip” as part of their overall attack against the children placed in their trust – their targets – to kill their Inner Light.

Of course this hijacking of the public school system by the Educational Establishment, inclusive of teachers unions and school boards, has already been ongoing for many years. It is the primary cause of its demise. The process of changing the public school system from one of possible intellectual development to a primary and only (despite all claims to the contrary) aim of Social Engineering; i.e.; molding students/targets into accepting the belief system(s) of their handlers/controllers as a replacement for their own; has been excellently documented by award winning teacher John Taylor Gatto in his masterpiece works “The Underground History of American Education” and “Weapons of Mass Instruction.” (See also “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America ” by Charlotte Iserbyt.)

stop perverts teacherThe practical result of this transition can be seen, as just one of virtually countless examples, in the continuing and accelerating collapse of student achievement and knowledge, inclusive of the ever increasing need for ” remedial ” courses, as demonstrated by multiple parameters in comparison to both our own past history and the current achievements of foreign nations; students of which can all too often run rings around products of our school system.

Public school cheating scandals, such as are currently being exposed in Atlanta and across the nation, are yet another symptom of a system whose primary goal is the Social Engineering, shattering of the Inner Light of morality and identity, of its targets/students.

Intellectual development, as documented by Gatto and as self-evident from results, is not the intended product of the public school system. Ever more numbers of home-schooled children are the response of parents to this basic knowledge as they abandon the public school system to save their children from its deadly intellectual and, especially, deliberate moral poison. Its deliberate attack to destroy the morality and identity of its child targets. To kill their Inner Light.

Sodomite Indoctrination Is Religious Indoctrination

For the Homosexual/Sodomy Movement the mandatory indoctrination of children into acceptance, endorsement, and promotion of the perversion of homosexuality/sodomy (the killing of their Inner Light), and the usage of the public school system to accomplish this, is a required step needed to achieve their ultimate goal – the destruction of the Christian foundations of our nation with replacement by their anti-Christian opposite.

The Religion and Movement of Homosexuality/Sodomy despises the fundamental archetypes of humanity – men and women. It is this hatred that aids in producing and cultivating males imitating females, females imitating males, “transgenders”, that is, those who literally mutilate themselves to imitate the opposite sex. It is a hatred that declares that all sexual norms, such as laws against sodomy, incest, pedophilia, child molestation, etc., and those sexual constructs and constraints which have protected women, children, and the family unit as a whole, must be replaced with their anti-Christian and anti-family opposite.

It is an ideology closely associated with the infamous Marquis de Sade that advocates sex with anything or anyone of any age at any time and for any reason. This is the religion of homosexuality and sodomy that is dedicated to killing the Inner Light of its child targets.

Go to ‘Sodomite Child Targets: Sex Before 8 Or It’s Just Too Late’ from ‘Sodomites In Public School Have the Governor’s Ear. Who Listens To The Parents?’